To make the admin armor show up in the inventoryHud for only the superadmin, first in inventoryHud.cs, in function InventoryScreen::updateHud, after these lines: //Create - ARMOR - List %armorList = %client.favorites[0]; for ( %y = 0; $InvArmor[%y] !$= ""; %y++ ) if ( $InvArmor[%y] !$= %client.favorites[0] ) %armorList = %armorList TAB $InvArmor[%y]; add this: if ( %client.favorites[0] !$= "Admin Armor") if (%client.isSuperAdmin) %armorList = %armorList TAB "Admin Armor"; Now an extra check to make sure noone else can hack thier way into getting the armor. In player.cs, add this to the top of function Player::setArmor: if ((%size $= "NameOfAdminArmor") && (!%client.isSuperAdmin)) %size = "Light"; The rest is the same for adding normal armors. -edit Make sure you add that last part after %client = %this.client; in Player::setArmor.