How to Add Armor Specific Beacons -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to ZOD and CrazyBrett for this idea and tutorial. What It Is Ever want different armor types to use different beacons? This tutorial will show you how to accomplish this in a few easy steps. Step #1 Find the Beacon::onUse function in item.cs. Rename the funciton to be Beacon::Deploy. Now put this code in the file which will act as your new onUse function: function Beacon::onUse(%data, %obj) { %size = %obj.getArmorSize(); eval(%size @ "::onBeacon(" @ %obj @ ", " @ %data @ ");"); } Step #2 For each armor you have you will need a seprate onBeacon function. If you are using the base three armor types, you will need a Light::onBeacon, Medium::onBeacon and Heavy::onBeacon. If you have added your own armors, make sure you update the getArmorSize function or this won't work. You can do anything you want in your new onBeacon functions, it doesn't have to have anything to do with beacons at all. But, if you want a given armor to use a beacon like in base, you use the code below: function Light::onBeacon(%obj, %data) // Replace Light with your armor { Beacon::Deploy(%data, %obj); } Tips Replace the beacons and give your armors a new ability that is used when they hit the beacon key. If you write a new onBeacon function and you do now want the player to have unlimited beacons, make sure you include: %obj.decInventory(%data, 1); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------