Exploding bodies. Author: Logic)( This will make the players explode on death. Find this part of the code in 'player.cs': //now call the "onKilled" function if the client was... you know... if(%targetObject.getState() $= "Dead") { // where did this guy get it? %damLoc = %targetObject.getDamageLocation(%position); // should this guy be blown apart? if( %damageType == $DamageType::Explosion || %damageType == $DamageType::TankMortar || %damageType == $DamageType::Mortar || %damageType == $DamageType::MortarTurret || %damageType == $DamageType::BomberBombs || %damageType == $DamageType::SatchelCharge || %damageType == $DamageType::Missile ) { if( %previousDamage >= 0.35 ) // only if <= 35 percent damage remaining { %targetObject.setMomentumVector(%momVec); %targetObject.blowup(); } } and replace it with this... //now call the "onKilled" function if the client was... you know... if(%targetObject.getState() $= "Dead") { / where did this guy get it? %damLoc = %targetObject.getDamageLocation(%position); %targetObject.setMomentumVector(%momVec); %targetObject.blowup(); // should this guy be blown apart?