I added 3 load mesages after the first screen... some maps load fast so there not always seen... make a file in your mod scripts folder called, modGame.cs (or whatever) and copy and past the code below in it... and edit your load screens... *Make sure to exec it in server.cs* //------------------------------------------- // Mod information load screen - ZOD. z0ddm0d // and Modified later by the T2CC //------------------------------------------- package loadmodinfo { function sendLoadInfoToClient( %client ) { Parent::sendLoadInfoToClient(%client); // Change the schedule to load the messages faster or slower... schedule(8000, 0, "ModInfoLoad", %client); schedule(16000, 0, "Mod2InfoLoad", %client); schedule(24000, 0, "Mod3InfoLoad", %client); schedule(32000, 0, "Mod4InfoLoad", %client); } function ModInfoLoad(%client) { %count = ClientGroup.getCount(); for(%cl = 0; %cl < %count; %cl++) { %client = ClientGroup.getObject( %cl ); if (!%client.isAIControlled()) sendModInfoToClient(%client); } } function sendModInfoToClient(%client) { %on = "On"; %off = "Off"; messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadInfo', "", $CurrentMission, $MissionDisplayName, $Host::GameName ); // Send mod details: %ModLine = "nmy mod v1.2" @ "n Developers: YOURNAME" @ "n HOMEPAGE: http://home.adelphia.net/~z0dd/base++.htmln"; messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadQuoteLine', "", %ModLine ); // I made this one line because sending multiple lines causes flashing with scripts // that run on ModInfoLoad. There's a maxium # of characters that can be printed // with MsgLoadRulesLine. We're at that now. // // Send server information: %ServerText = "nSERVER OPTIONS:" @ "n Time limit: " @ $Host::TimeLimit @ "n Max players: " @ $Host::MaxPlayers @ "n Team damage: " @ ($Host::TeamDamageOn ? %on : %off) @ "n CRC checking: " @ ($Host::CRCTextures ? %on : %off) @ "n Pure server: " @ ($Host::PureServer ? %on : %off) @ "n Refuse smurfs: " @ ($Host::NoSmurfs ? %on : %off) @ "n Next Mission: " @ findNextCycleMission(); messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadRulesLine', "", %ServerText, false ); messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadInfoDone' ); } }; activatepackage(loadmodinfo); //------------------------------------------- // Loadscreen 2 //------------------------------------------- function Mod2InfoLoad(%client) { %count = ClientGroup.getCount(); for(%cl = 0; %cl < %count; %cl++) { %client = ClientGroup.getObject( %cl ); if (!%client.isAIControlled()) sendMod2InfoToClient(%client); } } function sendMod2InfoToClient(%client) { %on = "On"; %off = "Off"; messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadInfo', "", $CurrentMission, $MissionDisplayName, $Host::GameName ); // Send mod details: %ModLine = "nMy mod features" @ "n Weapons have ????" @ "n This mod is based on???n"; messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadQuoteLine', "", %ModLine ); // I made this one line because sending multiple lines causes flashing with scripts // that run on ModInfoLoad. There's a maxium # of characters that can be printed // with MsgLoadRulesLine. We're at that now. // // Send server information: %ServerText = "nDEPLOYABLES OPTIONS:" @ "n Turrets have " @ "n Deployables are best if " @ "n More things here " @ "n Your features here " @ "n Packs have options " @ "n Your mod info " @ "n Next Mission: " @ findNextCycleMission(); messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadRulesLine', "", %ServerText, false ); messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadInfoDone' ); } //------------------------------------------- // Loadscreen 3 //------------------------------------------- function Mod3InfoLoad(%client) { %count = ClientGroup.getCount(); for(%cl = 0; %cl < %count; %cl++) { %client = ClientGroup.getObject( %cl ); if (!%client.isAIControlled()) sendMod3InfoToClient(%client); } } function sendMod3InfoToClient(%client) { %on = "On"; %off = "Off"; messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadInfo', "", $CurrentMission, $MissionDisplayName, $Host::GameName ); // Send mod details: %ModLine = "nMy mod Credits" @ "n Who helped ????" @ "n Thanks to the guys at T2CC???n"; messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadQuoteLine', "", %ModLine ); // I made this one line because sending multiple lines causes flashing with scripts // that run on ModInfoLoad. There's a maxium # of characters that can be printed // with MsgLoadRulesLine. We're at that now. // // Send server information: %ServerText = "nCredits:" @ "n Turrets have ? " @ "n Deployables are best if " @ "n More things here " @ "n Your features here " @ "n Packs have options " @ "n Your mod info " @ "n Next Mission: " @ findNextCycleMission(); messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadRulesLine', "", %ServerText, false ); messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadInfoDone' ); } //------------------------------------------- // Loadscreen 4 //------------------------------------------- function Mod4InfoLoad(%client) { %count = ClientGroup.getCount(); for(%cl = 0; %cl < %count; %cl++) { %client = ClientGroup.getObject( %cl ); if (!%client.isAIControlled()) sendMod4InfoToClient(%client); } } function sendMod4InfoToClient(%client) { %on = "On"; %off = "Off"; messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadInfo', "", $CurrentMission, $MissionDisplayName, $Host::GameName ); // Send mod details: %ModLine = "nMy mod is going to be good" @ "n I need coding help ????" @ "n Thanks guys for helping with the mod!n"; messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadQuoteLine', "", %ModLine ); // I made this one line because sending multiple lines causes flashing with scripts // that run on ModInfoLoad. There's a maxium # of characters that can be printed // with MsgLoadRulesLine. We're at that now. // // Send server information: %ServerText = "nTips of the day!" @ "n1# always zig zag, and run fast." @ "n2# never stand still for to long." @ "n3# the more you fly the less you DIE." @ "n4# have fun!" @ "n Next mission: " @ findNextCycleMission(); messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadRulesLine', "", %ServerText, false ); messageClient( %client, 'MsgLoadInfoDone' ); }